Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ponder Points: The God of Surprises

Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap.

Setting aside the apocalyptic tone, another way of reading the Gospel is the way the coming of the Lord will shatter our common perceptions and judgments about this world, as well as our "ordinary way" of living where everything is patterned, organized, and calculated according to the natural order that we know of. He is telling us that his very coming is that which does not figure into this world. The Almighty will come to save and not to judge, to serve and not to be served, and to live instead of distance himself among us. He is, after all, the King with no Crown, the Lord with no Land, the God who walks as a human being.And what do we do while we wait? We are called to prepare, to let ourselves be filled with the grace of His eventual coming, to be ready as to how He will make Himself lovingly present among us. Simply put, this preparation is characterized by a radical openness to the God who makes Himself known and revealed.

Let ourselves be surprised. After all, our God is a God of surprises.

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